Hot Female Leads #1 - Nirmala Basnayake

Leading off my "Hot Female Leads" series (yes, I threatened I would!), is Nirmala Basnayake from Toronto based Controller.Controller. Now this band was introduced to me by a colleague just this morning as we were contemplating Metric's upcoming live show at the Shaw. So I quickly googled, pitchforked, wikipediad, and even bloggered them. I dug up some pretty good stuff too, so I guess that's one more for the loving. Anyway, this is really about NB, our hot female lead #1. Supple, ain't she? And quite the X-explainer, as she explains in the following explanation:
“’X’ is a placeholder for so much, from things dirty and forbidden to
things that run along a straight edge. can a kiss but it
can also symbolize poison. can resistance as well as
crossing paths and crossroads. ‘X’ stands out and ‘X’ marks the
spot. is a letter that can express the sound of a group of letters,
like a phonetic union. is our common chromosome. can
even something that has been eliminated, something of the
past, but this is not the case us. future of this band the
undetermined ‘X’; precisely because it is so, we can make it whatever
we want.”
Damn, I say.
Free songs from their latest, X-Amounts, and the previous History are available here. After grabbing, head here and here to buy and to their
Wait, does "supple"="chubby"?
Seriously, if you're serious, thank you. I'm no longer a female lead but I'll always have this blog entry to look back on!
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