
Reporting Back on Jason Collett at the Power Plant

True to my expectations, Jason Collett delivered alright last night at the Power Plant. Glorious indie alt-country done well. Opening up with Tinsel & Sawdust, he riffed through Idols of Exile, plus two new songs. But the revelation of the night for me was the band that backed him up, some Barre, Ontario lads called Paso Mino. There was the Canadian indie devil lust in their eyes, hands, feet and swagger. They played some songs from their indie-pressed album titled Good People. Sweet indie-country they play, telling the stories and walking the walk.

A radiohead-sque space rock Edmonton-based band called Storyboard opened the show. Sincere decent stuff. Go here to get some songs they have offered up for free download on their site.

All in all, a good night out.


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