Animal Collective: Live at the Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA. March 19, 2006.
Closely following Pavement and Deerhoof, Animal Collective is one of "THE" bands that I follow religiously. You can say that my musical tastes is very much caught in the axis of experimentation that these bands bring to the art of making music. Finding this set is pretty much Xanadu for me-especially since this includes several new songs debuted several new songs including "Reverend Green", "Fireworks" (formely "Allman Vibe"), "Chores", "Safer", "Peace Bone", "Cuckoo" and "Street Flash." Infact, this is pretty much a new AC record. Enjoy.
Flesh Canoe
Fireworks (Allman Vibe)
Peace Bone
Big Big Beat
Reverend Green
Street Flash
Banshee Beat
We Tigers
If you haven't discovered this band, please do yourself a favor and get their last two LPs, Sung Tongs and Feels, and the very powerful Prospect Hummer EP. The latter is a collaboration with English comeback folkie Vashti Bunyan. For the record, please feel free to read this as the gushings of a sanctimonious fan with an unending desire to lavish praise. Do that and you may never know joy.
Thanks for this.
hello how do i get this tracks from you?
please please please
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