Bruce Springsteen: Live at LSO St Luke's, London, UK, May 9, 2006.

John Henry
Oh Mary Don’t You Weep
How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?
Mrs McGrath
My Oklahoma Home
Jacob’s Ladder
We Shall Overcome
Pay Me My Money Down
Get We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions for a ridiculously low price on Amazon. Because the price will go up when it wins a Grammy.
Poste-script: Someone left a rather out of point comment to this post. I am putting this up for a reader vote - should I extinguish this comment? Cast your vote by leaving a comment.
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wtf? This comment is toast if five other commenters think so. Shish!
i know about these problems. being grumpy doesn`t help to make the world a better place. Cheer up and be a little more generous to your surroundings would be my advise.
Social / Societal commentary aside, why does Bruce have to deal with this on his great post. Hmmpf.
There are points of being "pro-individual AND pro-community" in the same instance (it is safer that way), but Bruce doesn't want this on his post.
Poor Bruce.
I like that you're making this democratic. I just come here for the tunes (and the witty repartee). Annoying anonymous commenter: I can get self-righteous mewling and puking elsewhere, thanks, and by someone who has enough guts to actually sign his or her name!
Thanks, incidentally, for the great site. I've started a feed for your blog over at Live Journal.
Frankly, I got bored half way through that and went off to listen to some Springsteen...
. . . yes, and printer ink is a rip-off, and you'd have to be mad to want to be a politician . . . but what the hell does that have to do with Springsteen or someone who puts great music up for people to hear? Off with anonymous's head, I say. Reckon they must have taken a wrong turn back at the old sawmill.
I say, make it go away! This is not what your blog is about!
Done! Comment must go down! The people have spoken!
Witness ye all, the excision of the evil hand from the state of affairs!
Lol! Oh sometimes I crack myself up. Totally mental.
The comment is nothing but a copy & paste job. I'm betting whoever posted it is posting it everywhere they go. They think they discovered some ancient wisdom.
It's boring.
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