Ladytron on Morning Becomes Eclectic, May 6, 2006.

"Originally, Ladytron were known to perform in monochromatic military uniform-inspired outfits of black or olive drab, lending an edge of simplicity and asexuality to their stage presence. Since the release of Witching Hour, the band seems to have abandoned military chic in favour of futuristic, Blade Runner-inspired fashions. Marnie and Aroyo have tended to wear futuristic, goth-style dresses while Wu and Hunt wear shirts and jeans."
This set is a keeper, especially "International Dateline", which is just about the best song of its kind I heard last year. Sing-scream these lyrics to yourself in the washroom (bathroom to some of you non-Canadian folks).
"Let's end it here
Let's end it here
Let's leave her here
Let's leave her here"
Think your speed-obsessed near-dementia dorm-mate or the conspiracy against your edgy suspicious lip-gloss-wearing boss.
Destroy Everything You Touch
International Dateline (recommended)
Soft Power
Nic Interviews Ladytron
High Rise
Fighting In Built Up Areas
Last One Standing
Buy Witching Hour.
This set is a keeper, especially "International Dateline", which is just about the best song of its kind I heard last year. Sing-scream these lyrics to yourself in the washroom (bathroom to some of you non-Canadian folks).
"Let's end it here
Let's end it here
Let's leave her here
Let's leave her here"
Think your speed-obsessed near-dementia dorm-mate or the conspiracy against your edgy suspicious lip-gloss-wearing boss.
Destroy Everything You Touch
International Dateline (recommended)
Soft Power
Nic Interviews Ladytron
High Rise
Fighting In Built Up Areas
Last One Standing
Buy Witching Hour.
Why am I always too late for every good thing!? Rerun this post! Please, please, please, let me get what I want...
Aaah! Can this PLEASE be reposted!!! I'm SO damn late to get these kinda things, and everyone said how good they were on Morning Becomes Eclectic!
PLEASE can this be reposted?
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