Monarch: The First Incarnation of the Lovely Feist.

"Monarch (Lay Your Jewelled Head Down) is a 1999 album by Feist recorded in Toronto. It is a quiet, subdued indie-rock album with hints of Hank Williams Sr. Upon its independent release, Monarch was a favorite in the Toronto music scene. Despite the success of Feist's follow up album, Let It Die, Monarch (Lay Your Jewelled Head Down) is now out of print. Indeed its rarity has made it something of a Holy Grail of Indie-rock. Prices of over $100 US have been seen on ebay."
Well, seeing that we don't all have $100 and we all love Feist, I have decided to post some high quality mp3s for your musical enjoyment today. I personally loved it enough to shell out some money for it so if like what you hear, you have a few options.
1. Buy Let It Die, its equally good if not better.
2. See Feist live, she rocks.
3. Go hunting on ebay.
3. Email moi to set up a mp3 trade, no monies involved. Be sure you have something nice to offer.
4. Go here to listen to some more low quality real audio songs from the album.
One Year A.D.
That's What I Say, It's Not What I Mean
Thanks for these. All of them sound much more interesting than Mushaboom.
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