Given years of listening to and gushing over the brilliance of
Pavement, allow me to posit that Pavement had two main musical sides: one showcasing their fantastic penchant for fractured dissonance and unusual song structures (
Slanted & Enchanted,
Crooked Rain..., although some might disagree with classifying the latter under this category) and a softer classic rock flavoured style that could be mistaken for conventional, but for the brilliance of Malkmus' weird lyricism (
Brighten the Corners,
Terror Twilight). This set at the
Mississippi Nights in St. Louis, Missouri fits the latter profile, and is much recommended for Pavement fans. For those of you new to the band, you could start your introduction to their music by getting the albums which best match your musical leanings, but I must warn that this one-sided approach will in no way offer the best appreciation of the band's sound. If you must get one album though, make it the
Crooked Rain reissue.
Yo . . . Pavement is always worth a post.
da hat der gute jennings schon recht.
pavement shows müssen gepostet werden. vor allen dinge wenn sie eine hervoragende klangqualität besitzen.
Thanks for another high quality, perfectly tagged live show!
sweet. thanks for the pavement post. also didn't know about the (best) crooked rain album being reissued.
Could anyone help to fix the deadlink? i was too late to find this fantastic thread. :(
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