
Keiji Haino With Boris: From Japan With Drone.

Not too long ago, I did a post on Japanese noise rockers Boris and their totally dope latest titled Pink (2005), released earlier this year in North America. Since that time, I have taken the time to explore their incredible discography and to wonder how much good music we'll probably never know about if the internet, Pitchfork, and music blogs did not exist. It's definitely right that these guys are getting the attention they deserve this side of the globe, and I am one of those eagerly awaiting their collaboration with the mystical SunnO))) titled Altar which is due out sometime soon.

Just yesterday, my special order of their rather unavailable 1998 collaboration with noise master Keiji Haino entitled Black: Implication Flooding arrived via international trade. I have the cd on full rotation, and it has worked quite well in providing the right background atmosphere for my present position as a full time World Cup watcher. I am pleased to share some tracks from the cd with you, but you are better off just getting into these guys. Of course, not everything they've done has to be acquired from obscure places, you can find a pile at the market or in other places where good music is sold. Enjoy.

A Rise, A Moment Before Something Unexpected Is On the Verge of Starting
It Should Be Watched, Not To Fail To Notice These Flashes of an Accusation from Inside
The Person Who, What Is She Like, The One Who Has Been Determined and Prepared

Buy Pink and other Boris albums.
Buy Keiji Haino's music.


Blogger cnwb said...

Thanks for these tracks. By the way - I'm often surprised when I think back to how in-touch I was with lots of obscure music before the WWW came along. Fanzines and mail-order catalogues were my lifeblood. These days, I'm actually more out-of-touch with (or perhaps less interested in) what's happening.

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These could be great. I love the Boris, and I've been going World Cup Crazy! Thanks for giving me a peek at a different side of Boris.

1:22 AM  

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