KNK Hits 100K! 200 Posts!! Ohmigod!

1. I'm giving away a brand new copy of Neil Young's After The Gold Rush as a thank you for stopping by gesture. Since I have so many readers, ohmigosh-100, 000! and I can't give out 100, 000 cds, I have to establish a fair system for doing this. I propose a competition. Here's how it works. Any person who can correctly guess or come close to guessing the meaning of this weird blog name of mine "KWAYA NA KISSER" (and there's been tons of controversy over the meaning and/or appropriateness of this name) takes home this baby. If no one comes close, then we do the itunes thing and give it to whoever leaves the 100th comment on this post. So here kids, go for it! Drop a comment on whatever pleases or annoys you, gibberish or intelli-talk!
Winner will have to provide a mailing address.
2. How about opening this blog up to some contributors, eh? So here's the deal-drop me a comment or email if you want to join this blog team. Two max will be selected. Qualifications: A wicked sense of humor and ability to find interesting music. Nothing more, nothing less.
3. Here's some wicked Radiohead rarities, live tracks, ring tones, whatevers, tossed my way by the fantastic Joey (thanks!!!). Enjoy the moment, life's too short!
Genchildren ("Kid A" Hidden Track, 2000)
33.33333 (Abbey Road, 4 Tracks Promo, 2004)
We Suck Young Blood (Thom Yorke Mix, Abbey Road, 4 Tracks Promo)
Smear (FuseLeeds 2004, Towering Above The Rest Bootleg, 2004)
Duty Lux (Bodysong 7" Single A side, 2004)
Nudnik Headache (Splitting Mix, Bodysong 7" Single B side, 2004)
Untitled (Bodysong DVD, 2004)
Split Sides (Merce Cunningham's Soundtrack, 2003)
Friendly Fire (Radiohead.Com Ring Tone, 2004)
I Get Louder (Radiohead.Com Ring Tone, 2004)
Skkatterwave Extended ("Radiohead TV", 2004)
I'll Eat You Alive ("Radiohead TV", 2004)
Momentum ("Radiohead TV", 2004)
Nasty People ("Radiohead TV", 2004)
Choir have kisser?
andrea is the winner!
come on give it to her
Let's just say if no one came closer, andrea's got it!
100 is quite a target. Sure you'll get therE?
What does the name of your blog mean?
Well, i could always try the google image search:
First Result for:
Kwaya: A picture of a horse
Na: A picture of Ashley Judd
Kisser: well, two kissers
so how bout: Kissed Ashley Judd's Horse?
well, maybe not.
more google:
kwaya: southeastern shore of Lake Victoria, between Zanaki and Kerebe.
Did you have your first kiss at Lake Victoria?
I'd love to joing your team here. I've secretly been downloading your live sets off here for the past few days (thanks especially for the Tom Waits and PJ Harvey set!).
My Qualifications?
Well, I've been running my own music blog since 2002 called Vintage Rock ( If that doesn't represent my music taste and writing style I suppose I dont' know what else will.
Gary Lucas, the guitarist for Gods and Monsters (he also briefly worked with Jeff Buckley) likes my site and linked it on his blog.
I've reviewed quite a few albums (currently I'm featuring Horses by Patti Smith). Musicians often send me their CDs asking for review...I'm pretty selective on who I will review for, but I really did end up liking the music of Marc Corey Lee.
I'm only 20, but I have a very ecletic music collection. Some of my current favorites include: Thelonious Monk, Lloyd Cole and the Commotions, Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers, Catherine Wheel, The Go! Team, X-Ray Spex, Minus 5, Billy Bragg, Devandra Banhart, Polaris, and The Magnetic Fields.
You can get ahold of me at my website or my email address, which ever you prefer:
Why not kiss her?
Anonymous: I know there's no way it's getting to 100, but it wouldn't be a contest then, would it? I'm sure someone would come up with a really good guess anyways! Besides, it's all about the spirit of a game!
Current fav: Kissed Ashley Judd's Horse (far from it but really cute research. Kudos Tom!)
Hello Pierre, so I'm guessing it's really "kaya na" so I'm guessing it's "tell me the truth, kisser" or "I don't need a kisser" Am i close?
Hahahahahaha...far from it Moka. Dig deeper, my friend, deeper. Thanks for playing too!
An anagram perhaps...
oh well... congratulations anyhoo :)
and thanks for the rh goodies, this and the past post with the early demos were superb.
I’m hungry for Neil Young! Ok since you dropped the hint that you’re Nigerian at the top of the blog, ?if that’s true? that might be relevant
Wikipedia tells me ‘Kwaya’ is in the title of an album by Imanai Sanga, a Tanzanian. It is translated as choir, and google definitions tells me that’s in ‘Kiswahili’…
I’m on the trail – Kiswahili, a Bantu language widely spoken in East Africa, which checks out with an African heritage. So ‘choir’, and you said that Andrea was close with ‘choir as first word’ …although i also hear that ‘Kwaya’ is also a tribal group from Tanzania…
A Swahili/Kiswahili--English translation site says that ‘Na’ can mean:
And/by/have/with/also/but/however/i do/now
So i guess it’s probably being used as a conjunction here…
‘kisser’ doesn’t seem to be Kiswahili….
Google searches for ‘na kisser’ all come up referring to your blog, with 13 pages of glowing references! I’ll just add my own, and thanks for the Tom Waits recently and this radiohead.
Aaand i’m giving up…since Pierre Elliot Trudeau is your own ‘moniker’ i look on Wikipedia. There’s actually a music-related bit:
‘Trudeau was the first world leader to agree to meet John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono on their 'tour for world peace'. Lennon said, after talking with Trudeau for 50 minutes, that Trudeau was "a beautiful person’.
So i have to just connect the whole idea of beauty and peace there with ‘kisser’ to give a general hint of love in this title. Even though your profile says you’re living in Canada so the Trudeau thing may just be nationalistic pride/respect.
But ‘choir with love’ sounds a bit bad
Then looking up ‘kwaya’ again -hey presto- it can mean ‘anthem’ or ‘chorus’, or song in other words i spose. That’s better than choir.
So perhaps a more general meaning would be ‘songs with peace’, ‘chorus now kisses/love’, ‘singing and peace’, or mayb kisser was meant as English and it’s ‘songs with kisses/songs for kissers’….. but that’s all sounding waay too sentimental! Although you told Moka that ‘I don’t need a kisser’ is far from it, so that implies it’s all lovey.
Although maybe ‘Kisser’ is some kinda nickname for you and this means ‘songs/singing/choir by kisser’, which is you, giving us the songs.
…is any of that even remotely closer than ‘Kissed Ashley Judd's Horse’?!
Dear anonymous, Wow! all that research-you rock! You started quite well, tracing it from my roots (Nigeria), so you get top marks for now. It does have some roots in Nigeria but no connection to kissing or kissers, or to choirs, although a friend once wrote it out as "choir na kisser". All in all, damn good effort-you just booted out the Ashley Judd guy on the top of the list!
Btw, Kristy, will contact you soon re joining the team. Your qualifications rock!
Thanks guys for indulging my silliness!
Are you hiding in plain sight?
Kwaya Na Kisser = Rock'n'Roll
Congratulations!...It's a great blog!
Denis - Brasil
Could "Kwaya Na Kisser" be "Quiet your kisser" said in a thick Irish accent?
Yay! I can't wait to hear from you. While I do have a moderate following at Vintage Rock, the more places I can promote great music the better.
Grateful Greetings Pierre,
I'm new to all of this BLOG stuff - but learning fast (while downloading your QUALITY STUFF!).
Think RADIOHEAD are the best thing since JOY DIVISION.
Could I request BJORK rarities - The Cover Me Bootlegs 1975/1998?
Enough taking; discovered this on a search for Kwaya Na Kisser:in a vain attempt to contribute at least something.A wild guess........GOBSMACKED.......prize to ONE.ORG
Hi i am anonymous from before, which is Simon, didn't know how to leave a name before!
Ok i did some 'proper' research this time cuz this was bothering me, get ready for an essay!
...bearing in mind that you said it has nothing to do with choirs (i guess that’s the same for anthem/chorus/song) or kissing/kissers. I’ve also dropped the ‘Kwaya music of Tanzania’ idea as it’s not Nigeria…
The breakthrough (i hope) was that i typed in ‘Kwaya’ and ‘Nigeria’ into google and found that either Kwaya is a Nigerian ?district/area?, with ‘Kwaya Kusar’ its main town, in the state of Borno (one of the 36 of the Nigerian federation), or that ‘Kwaya’ is short for ‘Kwaya-Kusar’ (in Borno).
I’m guessing that must be the ‘roots to Nigeria’ you said KNK has, and i’ve got the first word…? Presumably because you hail from there?
I also found a link to one of your posts from 3.14.2006, in your ‘Africana’ series which posted music from civil-war period Nigeria…looked really interesting, shame the links were long expired!
And then i actually found africana #2 from 4-4-2006
It pays to trawl through old blog entries, i just found out about Aztec Camera and Fela Kuti: you’re educating me!
I found that you mentioned the ‘Igbo’ language in one of those posts, and then I dropped the idea of the ‘Kiswahili’ language, because that is east African, and went to the CIA world factbook. It tells me that the common languages of Nigeria are:
Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Fulani
[Confusingly ‘’ tells me that Kwaya is actually a whole language, too – what a darn confusing word! But i doubt that’s got anything to do with KNK, although i find it’s spoken in Niger-Congo] [And even more confusingly, it’s been called a whole music genre, as Jeff was pretty much saying…]
But i was chasing up the Igbo language, and found:
“I must say that in all my years of teaching Igbo grammar, I have not come across an area that stumps students as much as the different uses of "na" does. In the GCE exams, the question recurs every year and yet the number of casualties keeps increasing.”
:) you pick hard stuff. But i gleaned that it could really mean either ‘and’ or ‘in’
So: your hometown Kwaya, ‘and’ or ‘in’….still a bit stuck on Kisser. But here’s an intelligent guess:
Since Kwaya could be where you came from, and that’s the first part of the name, why wouldn’t the second part be where you are now perhaps?
I was praying for a place called “kisser” in Edmonton Canada where your profile says that you reside,
And…well…i found:
Frog Kisser’s Den, 10836 124 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 0H3, Canada
--‘Comprised of unique furniture, transformed with intricate and colourful painted designs. Also carries belly dancing costumes and a selection of incense.’
Seems like a long shot but this isn’t your shop is it?! I think that’s quite an inspired guess!
Lastly at one of your blog entries, 4-3-2006, you said:
“Here's an idea that came to me in the shower this morning (same venue for ideas on edible chimeras [?!] and psuedonyms based on the letter K)”
So KNK is designed as a psuedonym for you…
Perhaps, since technically Kwaya-Kusar is the name of the Nigerian town, K-K,
You might have kept the K-K structure, but had the second K = kisser (in Edmonton Canada) with ‘na’ meaning ‘in’
i.e. Kwaya (now living) in (or around/working at) Kisser
Ok how does my masterful theory hold up in the eyes of truth? :)
Dear Simon,
There's no way you're not winning this cd, just for trying! By golly, you're good. You're definitely right about the Nigerian roots, and about me being Ibo, but this strange phrase comes from the Hausa language (oops, did I just give it away!) However, your research is stellar, and I must admit that I put up the contest to encourage something like this, not because I think anyone can actually guess it right! Stand by my friend, you're top of the list right now, just for sheer amazing hardwork!
Well hold on because i may have guessed it right – only because you told me it was Hausa of course, although i did breeze over a Hausa dictionary before. I know i’ve got fairly ‘in to this’ but i’m a bit like that - i like researching and finding out new stuff, don’t like being ignorant! This was a fun opportunity.
Anyway i found a good online Hausa dictionary,
Which tells me that Kwaya means either ‘laya’ or ‘taya’ in different forms…
Following up the laya:
“Only in the phrase 'ka/ laya' = ka/ k'wala. (Vide k'wala.)”
i.e. Look up k’wala, so i do
…and definition III seems to fit really well:
III. [k'wa"la/+]. A child offers or hands something to a person and, when it is about to be taken, draws the hand back and says [ka/" k'wa"la/+] = get it if you can.
Sadly no definition of kisser but i can only guess that it means something along the lines of ‘music/mp3s/files/‘good stuff’’ etc…
Hence ‘get the music if you can’. Which would seem to perfectly fit an mp3 blog which has expiring files
Have i got it ;) ? Anyhow time to sleep now, it’s late (or early) in England!
Simon, you have to send your mailing address. You definitely deserve this thing, no doubt, since you've come closest to the meaning of this weird phrase.
Congrats on the hits, etc . . . .
Thanks Jennings, Thanks Jan.
Its nice to see that my question about the name of your blog has sparked such a debate.
I was the anon who posted the original question but since have got my own blog.
Its a bit bare at the mopment but will be building it up over the next few days and weeks.
I like the way people have been putting in "A bit of research" I think it should be a competition in the future and you should offer a special prize
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