
Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris: Live at the Ahoy, Rotterdam, Pt. 2.

Completely forgot to post the other part of this set. Thanks for the reminder, dear anonymous guy.

Boulder To Birmingham (Emmylou solo)
All The Roadrunning
Speedway At Nazareth
If This Is Goodbye
So Far Away
Our Shangri-La
Why Worry

To cap off of series of excellent gigs I've seen this year, I saw the vivacious and super-talented Neko Case last night at the Myer Horowitz here in the City of Champions. By God, the pipes on that lady! So much so that my Buddhist friend hanging out with me at the show declared she "would sell her organs for a voice like that!" Amazing stuff. And to top it up, Neko brought along Ms. Kelly Hogan, who I will proceed to obsess about by collecting everything she ever set her voice to from henceforth, the said voice being the best thing you probably never heard. Think Emmylou Harris. But this show was not just "the exposition of solid pipes"-Neko's supposedly difficult alt-country songs really come alive live, and the music is sweet in part, complex in part, and earth shattering in all. Expect photos, and soon as I rescue my audience recording from the recesses of hell (my pc only digital recorder), I will have it up here for samplers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good!
thnx ...

6:23 AM  

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