David Bowie: Coca-Cola Planet Live, Madison Square Garden, NY., 9th Jan 1997, Pt. 1

1. Buy the best shirt ever, if I ever find it.
2. Buy the best tie ever to go with the best shirt ever, if I ever find it.
3. Compile the playlist for the reception! (Song ideas still welcome).
4. Obtain a marriage license. Small potatoes.
5. Finish fixing up my apartment. The bathroom repairs are going quite well. View my do-it-yourself project photos here.
6. Menu tasting. Yum.
7. Buy Gift (wifey's name) a pampering package for the day before the wedding!
8. Miscellany. Daunting.
9. Complete a paper on conflicts of interest in the stem cell research environment. Important as this would help pay for the wedding!
10. Not freak out. Advised.
In the meantime, here's the first part of one hell of a Bowie bootleg. This really should be called "Ziggy Stardust and Friends". Enjoy, and wish me well.
Little Wonder
Hearts Filthy Lesson
Telling Lies
Battle for Britain (The Letter)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (with Frank Black)
Fashion (with Frank Black)
Hallo Spaceboy (with Foo Fighters)
Seven Years in Tibet (with David Grohl)
Well is indeed wished to you. Keep sane!
Good luck! :)
(and thaaaaaaaaanks for Mr Bowie)
Thanks Kristy. You're going to have to hold the fort for the time being, until I complete the whole process of tying the nuptial knot. Keep doing what you do best, be spectacular!
Can anybody tell me how to download these on a mac? I've been a PC person my whole life, and now I don't know what to do sans "right click, save target as." Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I assume you use a mac with trackpad. Four options:
1. Buy a two-button mouse - Apple mighty mouse recommended. Then set it up and use your right-button context menu same as on the PC.
2. Use your old PC mouse to achieve same.
3. Download Firefox, then get an extension called Flashgot. Read what it says it does and do it.
4. Download a context-menu enabler for your trackpad. Several exist on the internet.
There's a way of doing stuff with a trackpad but I can't remember how now (always been a mouse person!) I'll take a look at my ibook and get back to you).
thank you much
Control, click, select 'Download linked file' is all I've got to do on a Mac.
sfenn got it! Thanks.
i actually figured that out while just messing around in itunes, but thanks anyway sfenn.
Thanks a lot for sharing this, but where's part 2?! ;)
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