The New Pornographers and the Mint Records Roadshow

True to form, the New Pornographers shred. Tight set - they had me from hello, which turned out to be "Sing Me Spanish Techno". By the time they got to "Use it" (just before the encore), I was rapturous with dance. And Mr. Newman is every bit the show man, making those really cool jokes about malls, being called "baggot" and thinking it was "faggot", and about the beauty of yelling. Quaint. I have their Winnipeg set and will be posting this soon, so stay tuned for that. Neko and Destroyer were missing from the lineup (expected), but Kathryn Calder (Carl's niece) subbed for Neko nicely. Nicely Done.
Two Mint bands accompanied the Pornos on this tour i.e. Immaculate Machine (Calder's band) and Novillero. I have to say I was blown away by Novillero. Urgent, abrasive indie rock, some earnest to God playing, and that drummer can sing! Touche!
To cap it all, the wonderful Mint guys gave out free promo compilation cds to all that came. This cd includes recordings by Mint bands at CBC Radio 3. Knowing that you all are probably hating me for having all this fun happen to me, I am posting the promo cd for your entertainment. Be sure to check out all the wonderful Canadian artists on the Mint label.
Favorite Neko Case
Failure Pluto
Dear Confessor (previously unreleased) Immaculate Machine
Your Bed Cub
The Body Says No The New Pornographers
Crowchild Trail Huevos Rancheros
Habit over Heart Novillero
B.A.B.E. The Smugglers
Can You Tell Me (previously unreleased) The Organ
Lonely The Gay
Ghost Pirates P:ano
Satellite Young and Sexy
Chumpville Carolyn Mark
The Hedonists Collide Duotang
Three Steps Backward The New Town Animals
Buy Novillero Aim Right For The Holes In Their Lives
Buy Immaculate Machine One and Zeroes
Who doesn't already own New Pornographers' Twin Cinema?
You failed to mention that while the show itself was unbelievable, it was probably the worst audience I have ever been a part of. I saw people talking on cellphones during the Porno's set, which I consider heretical. It gives a bad name to normally awesome Edmonton audiences
I totally agree. I had this discussion with a friend yesterday. What irked me was how people just stood and stared. At a New Pornographers show! Unbelievable!
Totally right about Novillero, I hope to hear a lot more from them.
And what's worse my buddy Adam went to watch them in Calgary and he said that their audience kicked ass. Bands feed off audiences, the more you give the more you get. (Sorry to eat up all your comment space, I was just really pissed off by this)
I feel you on this one Bob. Maybe it's the venue - you know how Edmontonians are always skeptical about Red's. I am sure a lot of people seeing the renovations for the first time did not quite expect much.
What did you think of Immaculate Machine? I almost dozed off. That guy on the guitar and the near naked drumer almost killed me.
In all fairness, I think a dislike of "The Venue Formally Known As Reds" is a sign of a healthy mind. The renovations aside, the acoustic quality is next to nill, and then there are the pillars. Ah, the pillars.
I am completely with you on Immaculate Machine. There's nothing really I can fault them on, there songs were well put together and had some strong harmonies, but at the same time... yawn. Nothing really to grab ahold of there, plus there set was way too long (which I suspect was in no small part to who the singer's uncle was). Then the drummer took off his shirt and things kinda went downhill from there...
Did Novillero say they were coming back into town? I would totally dig seeing them again.
Not sure. I am going to be doing a lot of digging up on them. I already ordered their cd, not sure why I did not buy it that day! Check the blog regularly, have news, will inform.
All hail the City of Champions!
Hm, I just got into Immaculate Machine, and I really like what I've heard. When I saw the New Pornos in Ottawa over the summer, Katherine was a really essential part of the show, and I think she's just as good in IM. I haven't seen them live, but the album stuff is quite appealing to me. If you wanna give them another listen, I just posted the live set they did on CBC. It's rather awesome how all these Canadians can sing in French.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Roland. Kathryn did mention at the show that they just released their album in French. I have a sense they might be a good studio band, but I can't really say I like them live. Will check out the live set...thanks for stopping by.
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