
Oh My! Ezarchive!

The text of my email to Ezarchive early today should put things in perspective for those of you experiencing problems listening to music here:

Hi guys,

I understand this is a busy time for you but I'll like to point out a couple of snags I have run into since moving to the new 3.0. I run a music blog and from the look of things, this new system is going to make life a lot difficult for me. The old one was definitely more manageable!

1. New system is not user friendly
2. Flash-based? This is not very good for audio file archiving. Flash is a very unstable medium. Already, I have had issues with loading pages on Firefox and Safari. And I have the latest flash plugins.
3. I keep getting this "we're sorry. this account has been very popular today and we've reached the maximum volume allowed..."message when trying to access the files. This is not good at all seeing as I get about 3000 hits a day on my blog. Not good, not good.
4. You mentioned in your email to me that the old links will be available for 30 days. However, the links no longer play as mp3 files and they certainly are not behaving normally! The links now play as snippets or 5 second sound bites. Frustrating to say the least.
5. I post mp3 files on my blog, not flash or some webalbum type thing. The sharing tab in the new system provides mp3 links alright, but they don't work right. Maybe this is because you are still in transition. I should mention however that for mp3 bloggers, there is an obvious disadvantage here. You have to navigate to the sharing page and copy the link for each song. This was the case in the old system except that a "next" button allowed you to do this fairly quickly. This is gone in the new system. I was also expecting the process of posting new mp3s to be simplified significantly in the new system but it appears its been made more onerous. Groan!
6. Downsizing mp3s? Oh my!
7. Seeing as I am probably not going to like this new system, allow me to ask: Can I get a refund on what's left of my subscription? Note: I am just asking, not requesting for a cancellation.




Blogger Duke of Straw said...

Kudos, kudos and I second all that you have said. I will be patient with this upgrade but I have little hope it will get better. The Duke is looking into other places to store my mp3s.

Otherwise, keep the faith.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Pinball said...

The consensus seems to be that ez really shit the bed on this one. My problems are essentially the same ones you've been having. Let me know how things work out with the refund. Where's the mass exodus gonna be

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

http://www.zshare.net/ seems to be the popular alternative. It streams audio and give you the option to download it.

Althought its very sad to hear that Ezarchive has gone down that road.

3:45 PM  
Blogger A.Guss said...

yep ezarchive really shit the bed...terrible move....i sent them an email asking for a refund...

3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your blog doing a quick search to see if the new EZArchive is pissing off anyone else. There's my answer. I was hoping that I was just being dumb and not understanding the new version, but I have all of the same complaints. The downsizing MP3s is the real killer for me, since I might be able to work around everything else.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have patience. Hadn't heard of EZArchive. I urge you NOT to downsize MP3s. They sound yucky pretty quickly.

I've been enjoying your blog.

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew over at linesthroughlines sums it up pretty well.


10:07 AM  
Blogger DJ durutti said...

thanks for posting your email to ezarchive (my thoughts exactly). i sent them a similar email. They replied w/ following:

"Thanks for not terminating your account with us. We are working to rectify the remaining issues we are encountering. We will get back to you in the next 24 hours to clarify the situation."

so, i'll wait at a day or three b/f terminating my acct, demanding a pro-rated refund, and opening up a mac.com or zshare acct. but the inherent problems in the set up and the possible 32 kbps DLs (not clear yet if the "create new link" w/ higher bps is temp broken or not possible under new system) will prob necessitate a new svs.

9:53 PM  

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