If you ever sat still through a
!!! (chk chk chk) gig, leave me a comment here and I'll send you a defibrillator. Or a new heart. Saw these guys last night at the Starlite, and came out drenched in a pool of my own sweat and other people's body juices. It was definitely on, from the first note of Tyler Pope's electro gadgets, to Nic Offer's animated engagement with the music. Notice I called it engagement, not dancing, because he totally nailed the audience connection thing. This is probably no news for fans of !!!, but this is the first time I am seeing these guys, and I'll see them any other time, any other venue near or far. Guaranteed.
Sample some beats.
All My Heroes Are WeirdosHeart of HeartsIf you haven't done so, but their latest full length,
Myth Takes.
I buy my music at
Insound and
Blackbryd Myoozik.
I saw these guys in a really small club a while back and it was an intense, sweaty and awesome show. Great band, and their new album kills.
i love their album, but i have yet to see their new album... sad days.
btw man, i was wondering if you could re-upload the My Brightest Diamond concert.. tons of people are asking for it... and i have yet to find a concert of hers... i would be really appreciative if you did it.. thanks
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