Wilco is playing my town in August. Saw them last year, and they pretty much blew my mind. However, I didn't much like Sky Blue Sky, and can't decide if it would be worth hearing live. Has anyone seen them on the Sky tour? Worth seeing?
I saw Wilco last Sunday in Northampton, MA. I enjoyed their show I attended last year at the same venue more (it was the last night of the tour and had a crazy setlist), but they were still great this year. If for no other reason, go so you can see Nels Cline play guitar. He completely blew me away last weekend--I've never been so mesmerized watching a guitarist before.
The new songs are good live. I was undecided on Sky Blue Sky before last week's show, and I've listened to it so much since then. Wilco is one of those bands I tell people to never miss, because as good as they are on their albums, they're even better live.
I've got tickets to see them in August, but Frank at http://www.chromewaves.net/ just wrote up a review of their show this past weekend up in Canada. Sounds like you should go.
Actually saw them three times on this tour, and thought they were fantastic. The poster above is correct -- it's worth it to see Nels live alone. Plus, the band has pulled out a couple older songs it hasn't played regularly over the last couple of years ("Via Chicago", "I'm Always in Love", "Kamera"), and thankfully seems to have dropped "Kingpin" from its setlist. Unfortunately there were no songs from either A.M. or Being There at the shows I went to, though we did get to see Jeff do an acoustic version of "Acuff Rose" in New Jersey, so that was cool.
Saw them for the first time ever last month here in Gent, Belgium and they totally amazed me!! One of the best gigs I ever saw. Please do yourself a favour and go (with an open spirit). Don't understand why people don't seem to like Sky Blue Sky that much: I've been playing and humming it non stop for some weeks.....
They'v only been playing 5 or 6 songs from SBS per show on this tour out of the usual 20-24ish songs. So don't let those few songs discourage you from seeing them. I mean they haven't gotten any less talented since last year. I mean even then they were playing 2 or 3 sbs songs per show.
Saw them 2 weeks ago outside DC..one of the best shows ever. The new material sounds better live than on the record..in fact, the songs are re-cast as real rockers live. Nels Cline is amazing.
From what I've heard, it's one of the best shows you can possibly see right now. On another note, I was trying to get that free deerhoof ep off of your site, and the mp3's aren't there? what's up with that? anyway. I like your blog, keep writing it. now.
I was at the Atlanta show too--they kicked ass as usual--new songs are great live. Saw them in Tallahassee last year, also amazing. Definitely one of the best live acts out there. Plus, you can't beat Tweedy's banter with the crowd. The fact that everyone stayed through the whole Atlanta show even though it was pouring rain (we were outside) speaks volumes to how great Wilco is.
Also, they're touring with Richard Swift opening for them, and Richard Swift is probably the best solo artist in indie pop/rock right now. I'm going just for him, really.
nooope; music please
I saw Wilco last Sunday in Northampton, MA. I enjoyed their show I attended last year at the same venue more (it was the last night of the tour and had a crazy setlist), but they were still great this year. If for no other reason, go so you can see Nels Cline play guitar. He completely blew me away last weekend--I've never been so mesmerized watching a guitarist before.
The new songs are good live. I was undecided on Sky Blue Sky before last week's show, and I've listened to it so much since then. Wilco is one of those bands I tell people to never miss, because as good as they are on their albums, they're even better live.
I've got tickets to see them in August, but Frank at http://www.chromewaves.net/ just wrote up a review of their show this past weekend up in Canada. Sounds like you should go.
Saw them in Atlanta and they kicked so much ass. The new songs are great live. You should definitely check them out.
Actually saw them three times on this tour, and thought they were fantastic. The poster above is correct -- it's worth it to see Nels live alone. Plus, the band has pulled out a couple older songs it hasn't played regularly over the last couple of years ("Via Chicago", "I'm Always in Love", "Kamera"), and thankfully seems to have dropped "Kingpin" from its setlist. Unfortunately there were no songs from either A.M. or Being There at the shows I went to, though we did get to see Jeff do an acoustic version of "Acuff Rose" in New Jersey, so that was cool.
All in all -- see 'em. You won't be disappointed.
Saw them for the first time ever last month here in Gent, Belgium and they totally amazed me!! One of the best gigs I ever saw. Please do yourself a favour and go (with an open spirit).
Don't understand why people don't seem to like Sky Blue Sky that much: I've been playing and humming it non stop for some weeks.....
Thanks for this blog btw
They'v only been playing 5 or 6 songs from SBS per show on this tour out of the usual 20-24ish songs. So don't let those few songs discourage you from seeing them. I mean they haven't gotten any less talented since last year. I mean even then they were playing 2 or 3 sbs songs per show.
Thanks guys. Just bought the ticket...
Saw them 2 weeks ago outside DC..one of the best shows ever. The new material sounds better live than on the record..in fact, the songs are re-cast as real rockers live. Nels Cline is amazing.
From what I've heard, it's one of the best shows you can possibly see right now. On another note, I was trying to get that free deerhoof ep off of your site, and the mp3's aren't there? what's up with that? anyway. I like your blog, keep writing it. now.
Agree with Maggie, saw them in April and they were fantastic. And I love their new songs live and on record.
caught them in NYC at the Hammerstein - definitely worth seeing.
I was at the Atlanta show too--they kicked ass as usual--new songs are great live. Saw them in Tallahassee last year, also amazing. Definitely one of the best live acts out there. Plus, you can't beat Tweedy's banter with the crowd. The fact that everyone stayed through the whole Atlanta show even though it was pouring rain (we were outside) speaks volumes to how great Wilco is.
they are ALWAYS worth seeing
Also, they're touring with Richard Swift opening for them, and Richard Swift is probably the best solo artist in indie pop/rock right now. I'm going just for him, really.
My recording of the Hammerstein show is up for download on my site if you want to give it a sample listen.
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