Okay, no shit -
Icky Thump is on my top 10 of 2007, and except for some magical happenings in the second half of 07, it's bound to remain there. I was out of town (seeing
Fujiya & Miyagi at
Lumi in London) when the Stripes played my town. But I jammed this thing throughout my European trip, while taking time to reconnect with my other WS favorites,
De Stijl and
White Blood Cells. I think I might have even screamed out "The Hardest Button to Button" on the train from Venice to Padua. Luckily, nobody there speaks English.
und die Joni Mitchell oder den Björk?
Icky Thump not good, try better
It isn't all that, by any means. I didn't much care for the 300 MPH Outpour Blues' cacophonous guitar paroxysms, but I'm open minded enough to go listen to the clips on the Amazon site (that's more time than what I gave most LP's in the 60's when I did this for a living).
Overall? A three out of five. Living on disability, I wouldn't go out and spend your hardearned $10 on it, but if I was still working as on air talent it'd get some air time, no question.
What a great record! I love all the Sabbathy guitar bits.
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