

destroy0r's myspace tells me that the band is from Burton, UK, and that its members are Glynndiana Jones, Glynnt Eastwood, and Arnold SchwarzGlynnegger. Whatever. I stumbled upon their music during some late night mindless web surfing, in between boring parts of my TiVo replay of The Pursuit of Happyness (stupid movie with stupid message). First it was their myspace, then some persistent googling uncovered some more, and now I can't stop playing this. Great stuff. Think Daft Punk meets Depeche Mode.

Here's two of my favorite tracks. These guys are unsigned, so good luck finding the music. If you do find somewhere to purchase, please drop me a line.

Your New Beard is Aerodynamic

Some more tracks on their myspace.


The Antlers: Cold War EP

A while ago I informed you of the existence of the seriously talented Peter Silberman, aka The Antlers, and his seriously fantastic new EP, In the Attic of the Universe, which was a free download for some period of time. Well, Fall Records picked it up, and it's going to be released November 20th. You can pre-order it here. Highly recommended.

In the meantime, here's a 3-track EP titled Cold War that this talented busy fellow just recorded, while working on a full-length follow-up to Attic called Hospice. Haven't heard it yet, but I am looking forward to it. Grab it kids, for the commute tomorrow.

Cold War (zip file)
1. East River Berlin Wall
2. Apple Orchard (Beach House Cover)
3. Cold War