
A Couple of Peel Sessions: Sonic Youth, Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Sonic Youth play Fall covers for the legendary John Peel on 19th October 1988.

Rouche Rumble
My New House
Psycho Mafia

And the Yeah Yeah Yeahs played a set on 28th August 2002.

Miles Away
Y Control

For those who care, I have also put up working links to the Thin Lizzy sessions.


Test Repost: The Arcade Fire 2001 Demos

Someone suggested I try filexoom so here. Looks promising - the direct linking is a plus. File management is a snap (no flash!) and there appears to be no bandwidth limits. Of course this means there's paid ads supporting the site, so it'll be great if you all went over and clicked on one ad at least.

To test this new host, here's a repost of the so-called Arcade Fire 2001 demos.
Winter For A Year
My Mind Is A Freeway
Goodnight Boy
Asleep At The Wheel
In The Attic
Can't Let Go Of You
You Tried To Turn Away My Fears
The Great Arcade Fire

Other upcoming reposts: Mel Redeemed... & Thin Lizzy Peel Sessions.


Bandwidth Issues

For those of you getting out of bandwidth messages, this is because I am still trying out the free basic account on box.net. The paid account comes with 20GB bandwidth a month, but I still haven't decided if I want to pay the 50 bucks for this service, seeing as I work very hard for the money and don't really get any from here. Still exploring the options, its go for it or bust, but I'll let you know soon enough.

For those of you who suggested that this problem never happened with Ezarchive, this is because you haven't seen the latest incarnation of that monster. Here's an example of how my music files look on Ezarchive right now.

Mel Redeemed: A New Job In Time Saves Lives

Crude cartoons aside, this is a happy post - dedicated to Mel or Ms. Havisham (as I have so often inapproprately psuedonymized her), one of my BFFs (like it or not, BFF is a worthy term), who is changing jobs tomorrow. As you would expect, I am very excited for her, because change is always good! This playlist also celebrates that workplace that makes you think of song titles like this, as well as some of Mel's favorite work bands/artists. Don't stop, Mel!

Humdrum Peter Gabriel
Five Years David Bowie
Wasting Time Jack Johnson
Wasted Time The Eagles
Weather With You Crowded House
Found a Job Talking Heads
Redemption Song Bob Marley & The Wailers

Hot Toothpaste, The "Mildly Humorous" Band

Always exciting to come across a band that doesn't take themselves too seriously. If comedy and goofball guitar strumming were a legitimate musical genre, then Hot Toothpaste might just be The Pixies of the genre. This email from someone called Ted Caplan associated with this band should put things in perspective:
Hello Mr Fish,
Just thought I'd pass along our wee-little album. It has recently been heard on KXLU in Los Angeles and we think it is "mildly" humorous, thought provoking and enjoyable (in that order). Here's a link to download the whole thing:
You will instantly notice the first song is not music but an interview. If you don't have time for somewhat humorous interviews skip to the even-numbered songs.
Thanks for your time and enjoy the Hot Toothpaste.

Love it. First I get called "Mr Fish". And then I get a free album of 18 tracks with titles like "KCRW", "Larry King Live", and "Ball's Bounce". Not to mention that the music is nice "slacker pop" or "pop culture slackery". All under 30 minutes. Try it, of course the whole thing is available for free download (see link above).

Spanish Arriba
Begging For Love
Ball's Bounce


Repost: Thin Lizzy, 70s' Peel Sessions

By sheer number of please repost emails, Thin Lizzy returns.

Whiskey In The Jar
Cowboy Song
Don't Believe A Word
Little Darling
Still In Love With You
Vagabonds Of The Western World
Little Girl In Bloom
Killer Without A Cause
Bad Reputation
That Woman's Gonna Break Your Heart
Dancing In The Moonlight

Btw, I am really close to paying for a Box.net account. Still trying out the features - for now I have to say it rocks on ease of use and interface. Much much better than Ezarchive. Uploading is a snap, and you can get your files arranged neatly in folders for clean freakies like me. Haven't used the "Post to Blog" feature but will for the next post to see how it works. A winner for me is always the ability to do a lot with one action (something these file hosts never seem to care for). Downsides for now are the loss of a direct play page when you click on the link on the blog post (Ezarchive's main selling point), but the Box.net way is not too shabby. Some may actually prefer it...gives you the option to play the song or download the mp3 directly (see image below). Liking them for now, best I have seen so far. Please leave comments if you know better.