
Rare Joni Mitchell Live Tracks!

Live tracks from undated early Joni Mitchell gigs. Info on this says it comes from restored vinyl labeled "Lights Out In Georgia".

Night In The City
The Gift of the Magi
If I Had A King
Morning Morgantown
Intro To Ballerina Valerie
Ballerina Valerie
Song To A Seagull
Both Sides Now
For Free
Intro To The Fiddle And The Drum
The Fiddle And The Drum

More info from the distributor: "It's quite clear from listening to this strange album that these are in fact two seperate concerts. Tracks 1-8 may be from a tape from somewhere off the radio, possibly prior the "Second Fret Sets" period of 1967, while the rest are from an audience tape which may be from sometime around 1969-71. That information is mostly just a guess, there are no confirmed sources. There are a wide range of songs represented here. Some of the first songs that Joni ever played are here, put together with another point in time where those songs were abandoned."


The Stone Roses: Live, Leeds Town & Country (Rock Garden Boot), Dec 13, 1995.


Update Your Bookmarks

KNK url has changed to www.knkmusic.net. The old url (www.knkisser.blogspot.com) still works, but use the new one if you want to tell your friends about that cool blog you visit daily or find sub-domains frustrating to remember.

Blog still hosted on Blogger.

KNK Update

1. You'll notice the links to the Dylan show don't work no more. Dylan sets usually drive a lot of traffic here, and saps the hell out of bandwidth. Just checked my stats: visitors since that post = 5537. Links might work again tomorrow when the bandwidth resets, but until then, head over to my Hype Machine page to play the set.

2. Thanks to some of you good people who donated funds, coupons, and ideas to the file host search, bandwidth problems may soon be a thing of the past. I have signed up with a web host that offers a generous amount of bandwidth and space, and I am currently trying to wrap my head around the logistics of the host. All I ask when I move to this new system is that you do not hotlink my files, pleeeeeeseeeee.

3. Head to WMFU's Beware of the Blog to listen to the mp3 version of songs on that Velvet Underground rare acetate that fetched $25K on ebay.

4. I was going to post the second part of the Sebadoh set, but I notice rbally has it up. Head over to this excellent blog to grab it.

5. 2 Joanna Newsom non-album live tracks from 2004, and here and there stuff on my iTunes party shuffle right now

Man's Road Joanna Newsom
Be a Woman Joanna Newsom
Racing for the Prize The Flaming Lips
Cooking Scritti Politti


Bob Dylan: Live, Scotiabank Place, Kanata, Ontario, Canada, Nov 5, 2006


Breaking Sound

The Arcade Fire Black Mirror

Sebadoh: Live, Shepherds Bush Empire, London, June 8, 1995.

Been away from this blog for sometime now - new year, more work responsibilities, and I have been shopping for vinyl LPs, which is definitely back in. Here's a list of the records I seek the most, just in case anyone here has any ideas where I can get them for less than ridiculous prices.
Sonic Youth: Daydream Nation
The Velvet Underground and Nico
The Smiths: The Queen is Dead
The Stones Roses: The Stones Roses
My Bloody Valentine: Loveless & Isn't Anything

Original pressings only, used or new.

Thanks to JS for his $50US donation, this blog might still be saved from bandwidth extinction. Looking around for a good file hosting service now, particularly one with a liberal amount of bandwidth, and ease of use. Apple iDisk is looking good, but it's more expensive than I anticipated (about $200 US for a 250GB bandwidth account). Well, JS got the ball rolling, so the end of bandwidth problems is in sight.

And finally, Part 1 of an excellent Sebadoh set.

Think (Let Tomorrow Bee)
Brand New Love
Too Pure
Drama Mine
Magnets Coil
Sing Something
License To Confuse
Shit Soup
Crystal Gypsy

More later.